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「実隆公記裏文書」文明九年二月十六日―二十日条紙背(一四七七年) Sengoku I, Writings from the Diary of Sanetaka, Commentary written on the rear of the entry dated for the 16th day of the 2nd month of Bunmei 9, 1477)
「実隆公記裏文書」文明九年二月十六日―二十日条紙背(一四七七年) Sengoku I, Writings from the Diary of Sanetaka, Commentary written on the rear of the entry dated for the 16th day of the 2nd month of Bunmei 9, 1477)
(捻り(ひねり)封端裏ウワ書) 「 通秀」 御番御退出御窮屈察申し(さしもうし)候、加州の儀本願寺聊か(いささか)子細申し付け候、仍って昨日使者罷り下り(まかりくだり)候、右宰相中將(正親町公兼)同じく申し下し候歟、然れ而(しかれども)留守稱す之由奏わり(うけたまわり)および候、仍って御報に及ばず候と雖も先ず此分候、祝著(しゅっじゃく)候、しかしながら叡慮に懸け候、謂い候、(中略)恐々謹言(p.269) 十六日(文明九年二月) 通秀 This diary entry records the content of a letter from Michihide regarding his correspondence with Honganji. After spelling out the details of his grievance with Honganji, a messenger was sent out to deliver the missive to Honganji (Michihide asks whether this was in accordance with the thoughts of右宰相中將). At any rate, it appears that Rennyo was not in residence, however they did take the message, for which Michihide was pleased, although not entirely convinced that anything would come of his efforts. |